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Convert between VFB and external identifiers


vfb_fromvfbids(vfbids, ..., mustWork = NA)

vfb_tovfbids(ids, fixed = TRUE, ...)



One or more vfb identifiers. Solr wildcards can also be used when fixed=FALSE- see examples and vfb_solr_query


Additional arguments passed to vfb_solr_query.


logical: if TRUE then an error is given if there are missing results; if NA then a warning; if FALSE then there will be no message but missing values will still be denoted by NA values.


One or more external identifiers. Solr wildcards can also be used when fixed=FALSE- see examples and vfb_solr_query


Whether to insist on exact matches. When fixed=FALSE solr wildcards can be used.


A character vector of vfb ids (for vfb_fromvfbids) or external identifiers (for vfb_tovfbids) in the same order as the input query. Missing values will be denoted by NAs when fixed=TRUE. When fixed=FALSE and a wild-card search returns no results a character vector of length 0 will be returned.


Note that these functions are not appropriate for fetching more than ~ 200 identifiers individually specified identifiers. If a large number of identifiers are required, it is a much better idea to fetch all ids and then filter locally.

See also

gmr_vfbid, vfb_solr_query, which powers the underlying queries.


# some flycircuit ids
fcids=c("VGlut-F-000304", "VGlut-F-200278", "fru-F-200121", "TH-F-300016")
#> Warning: Some ids could not be translated!
#> [1] NA NA NA NA

# make up a fake id for testing - will give a warning
# \donttest{
vfb_fromvfbids(c(vfbids, "VFB_10013392"))
#> Warning: Some ids could not be translated!
#> [1] NA NA NA NA NA
# }
# Some GMR GAL4 lines
gmrs=c('93D09', '87F10')
vfb_tovfbids(sprintf("GMR_%s*", gmrs), fixed=FALSE)
#> character(0)