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vfbr 0.3.3

  • Update GMR-GAL4 id searches forthcoming changes to primary label of ids (#13)
  • Add vfb_download_url_from_vfbid() function to get URLs to download image stacks for any VFB ids
  • doc improvements

vfbr 0.3.2

  • Fix GMR-GAL4 to VFB id translation in vfb_nblast (#10)

vfbr 0.3.1

  • Allow vfb_nblast to accept and return VFB ids (#9)

vfbr 0.3

  • add vfb_neo4j_query
  • fix vfb_nblast, vfb_solr_query URLs
  • export gmr_stack_urls_for_ids function
  • pkgdown site

vfbr 0.2.1

  • Additional arguments for vfb_synonym_query
  • New function vfb_autocomplete_query to replicate the VFB website
  • vfb_solr_query can accept all solr query terms as additional arguments (including repeated terms)
  • Documentation fixes/improvements

vfbr 0.2

  • New function vfb_synonym_query
  • fix vfb_fromvfbids for multiple ids (#5)
  • fix problem downloading stacks on Windows (#4)
  • fix vfb_nblast failure (#2)
  • dev: add tests