R package to provide RESTful interface via opencpu to NBLAST scores for fly neurons


This package provides functions to simplify access to pre-computed NBLAST scores for fly neurons. There are two main functions of interest

flycircuit_topn returns scores for self-match queries for flycircuit neurons.

flycircuit_gmr_topn returns scores for querying flycircuit neurons againt a processed version of the GMR Gal4 lines.

These functions can be used in any classic R environment or as the basis of a RESTful interface through the opencpu API.


Note that installing/using this package will trigger a one time download of about 1.5 Gb of pre-computed NBLAST scores.

Currently there isn’t a released version on CRAN, but you can use the devtools [1] package to install the development version:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

# You may also want to install the suggested package vfbr to interact with
# resources on the virtual fly brain website


Please be sure to cite the original data sources

  • flycircuit.tw
  • flweb.janelia.org/cgi-bin/flew.cgi

as well as the paper (currently available as a biorxiv preprint) describing the NBLAST algorithm if you use this package / data in published work.